Tom Sederquist

Athlete Profile

Duluth, MN
November 24, 1988
Favorite Race Distance: 10 mile
Product Manager @ Cirrus Aircraft
CEO @ Lake Effect Athletics Club
Coach @ UW Superior


Izzy Bean (Cattledog + Schnoodle)

Race Day Habit

Talk to Scott about how we are planning to start out easy (we never do).

Favorite Athlete

Tom Brady

Why I Run

I was born to run. I enjoy the thrill of pushing my limits, the challenge of chasing goals, and I feel that running is an act of praise to my redeemer, Jesus!

Favorite Quote

“Set your goals high and don’t stop until you get there!” – Bo Jackson

Favorite Meal / Food

First and second breakfast are both great. I thrive on oats. I basically eat like Secretariat.

Race I’m Most Proud Of

2021 Drake Relays University 5000m. It wasn’t my best race ever, but to make it back to that level after losing my colon to Ulcerative Colitis was super cool.

Fire Up Song

Depends on the race… An early morning XC race, dew still on the grass as the sun rises — “Eye of the Tiger” Survivor. Track race — “Till I Collapse” Eminem. Trail — “Unbelievable” EMF. All-Purpose — “Heart of a Champion” Nelly. And of course, XC Nats “Da’ Dip” Freak Nasty.

Favorite Place I’ve Run

Kauai, HI

Favorite TV Show


Claim to Fame

Colon-less WR Holder in the Marathon

Astrological Sign

I don’t know, I was homeschooled.

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